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Disability Insurance

Your ability to earn income is a valuable asset that can, and should, be well protected.  Income may be difficult to replace following a long-term disability.  Once you are disabled, there are few options for long-term financial help.

Our highly-rated insurer offers a broad range and diverse portfolio to cover the income protection needs of both individuals and small business owners.  Flexible policy design, outstanding features and affordability make ours one of the most comprehensive DI portfolios available today.

The products includes:

A Non-Cancellable policy – which provides important protection features plus a wide variety of riders for professionals, packaged under a guaranteed yet affordable premium schedule.

A Business Overhead Expense (BOE) policy – which provides funds to cover certain business operating expenses in the event the small business owner becomes disabled.  This policy reimburses covered expenses and helps insure the business stays viable while an owner is unable to work.

A Disability Buy-Sell policy – which provides for effective ownership transfer in the event a key owner-employee becomes disabled.

A Guaranteed Renewable policy – which offers solid income protection to blue-collar workers at a competitive price.  Premium increases may occur for all policyholder in a specific state and occupational class.  The restrictive condition for raising premiums help keep the Guaranteed Renewable product a great value at affordable rates.

A summary of each policy type is provided upon request.

Let's get started.

Call toll free 1-866-467-3102 or e-mail me today at to review your options for a secure financial future.